Once again defence cuts lead the news agenda. Our splash today is: "Army faces cut to just 50,000 troops". The story centres on a report from the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), which says the military may face a 10 per cent budget cut during the next parliament. This would reduce the army's size to 50,000 soldiers – the lowest level since the 1770s when Britain lost its grip on its American colonies. The news is likely to rile Tory backbenchers. Many are concerned about Britain's credibility with allies in Washington, and Britain's standing on the world stage. They want Cameron to commit to spending 2 per cent of GDP on defence, as required by Nato. Many of them believe Britain's power is in decline. With Moscow having increased its defence budget by 50 per cent since 2007, it is no surprise, they argue, that Putin has no qualms about provoking the British. They are also concerned that spending on overseas aid is set to outgrow the defence budget within 15 years. As our leader points out today: "This suggests not only a very bizarre sense of priorities, it is also potentially dangerous given the tensions in eastern Europe and the Middle East." Yesterday on the Andrew Marr show, the foreign secretary Philip Hammond muddied the water further by saying the government remained wedded to the two per cent target. But he could not "prejudge" the outcome of the defence spending review later this year. On Thursday there will be a backbench motion committing the next government to the Nato target. Defence has increasingly become a taboo subject during this election campaign, with received wisdom suggesting there are no votes in defence. Our MPs, however, have a duty to think beyond May 7. |
IS JUNCKER BARMY WITH EU ARMY? The Guardian splashes today with: "Juncker calls for an EU army to face up to Moscow threat". The president of the European commission claims the EU needs its own army to persuade Russia it is serious about defending its values in the face of aggression. His proposal, however, was immediately rejected by the British government, who said there was "no prospect" of the UK agreeing. Read More
In a sign of how austerity is changing the shape of government, officials have privately discussed cutting 30,000 employees at the Department for Work and Pensions over the next five years. This would create a full-time workforce of approximately 83,000, if a Conservative-led coalition is in power after May. While the proposed Labour slash is 20,000 posts, according to senior civil servants. The FT leads with the story on its front page. "Pensions department braced for 30,000 job cuts after election" is its splash. Read More
The Tories' latest campaign will heighten fears among English voters over a potential electoral pact between Labour and the SNP. The poster by M&C Saatchi depicts Ed Miliband in Alex Salmond's breast pocket. Tory election chief Lynton Crosby hopes to capitalise on the growing divisions within Labour over a possible SNP deal. The Times splashes the story on its front page with the headline: "Tories move to exploit Labour split in Scotland". Read More
At least 500 extra free schools will be built if the Conservatives win the election, David Cameron has said. His comments follow a new report from the think tank Policy Exchange, which found free schools improve local education standards. Read More
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Danny Alexander claims the Liberal Democrats will block "potty" plans by George Osborne to provide a pre-election tax cut for higher earners. He described his coalition partner's plans for Britain as "utterly irresponsible". Read More
George Galloway and his solicitors have been accused of blackmail and fraud after demanding more than £6,000 from anyone who supposedly libelled him on Twitter. The Respect MP for Bradford West instructed lawyers to send legal threats to Twitter users who composed or retweeted posts alleging he was anti-Semitic. However, a lawyer acting for three people who received legal demands has filed a complaint on their behalf with West Yorkshire police and the solicitors' regulator. Read More
In a move that is likely to create tension with the Tories, the director general of the BBC has said he supports the Labour policy of lowering the voting age to 16. Lord Hall made the comments during a speech to school pupils in London. Read More
A Labour parliamentary candidate has rejected a £1,000 donation from Tony Blair. Lesley Brennan, who is the party's candidate in Dundee East, contradicted her party's headquarters, which welcomed Blair's donations to the 106 battleground seats. Read More
TOO MANY TWEETS… @LesleyEastend: Received donation from Tony Blair. Instinct was to not accept. Discussed with team. Dundee East is not accepting the £1000.
From The Telegraph Alan Cochrane - Rumours of Scottish Labour's demise are premature The Telegraph - Our role in Libya's plight From elsewhere Timothy Garton Ash - Europe is being torn apart – but the torture will be slow Damian McBride - Osborne can't afford a pre-election splurge
AGENDA 0930 Bank of England's quarterly Inflation Attitudes Survey will be published 0930 Weekly figures on A&E attendances and admissions for hospitals in England will be released Liverpool: Green party spring conference Caernarfon: Plaid Cymru spring conference Brussels: EU environment ministers convene
TODAY IN PARLIAMENT HOUSE OF COMMONS Main Chamber 0930 Legislation: House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Bill [HL] - Report stage (Day 2) - Sir George Young Legislation: Wind Farm Subsidies (Abolition) Bill - Second reading - Mr Peter Bone Legislation: Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) Bill - Second reading - Mr Peter Bone Legislation: Recall of Elected Representatives Bill - Second reading - Zac Goldsmith Legislation: Affordable Housing Contributions (Ten Unit Threshold) Bill - Second reading - Tim Farron Legislation: Blood Donation (Equality) Bill - Second reading - Michael Fabricant Legislation: National Health Service and Care Sector Workers (Credit Union and High Cost Credit) Bill - Second reading - Mr Gareth Thomas Legislation: Overseas Voters (15 Year Rule) Bill - Second reading - Geoffrey Clifton-Brown Legislation: Planning Consent Applications (Contracts): Bill - Second reading - Mr Nigel Evans Legislation: Apprenticeships (Child Benefit and Tax Credit Entitlement) (Research) Bill - Second reading - Jesse Norman Legislation: General Practitioner Surgeries (Rural Areas) Bill - Second reading - Tim Farron Legislation: Internet Communications (Regulation) Bill - Second reading - Sir Alan Duncan Legislation: Mobile Phones and Other Devices Capable of Connection to the Internet (Distribution of Sexually Explicit Images and Manufacturers' Anti-Pornography Default Setting) Bill - Second reading - Geraint Davies Legislation: Alcohol Labelling (Pregnancy): Bill - Second reading - Bill Esterson Legislation: International Trade Agreements (Scrutiny) Bill - Second reading - Geraint Davies Legislation: Carers Bedroom Entitlement (Social Housing Sector) Bill - Second reading - Barbara Keeley Legislation: Dogs (Registration) Bill - Second reading - Julie Hilling Legislation: Railways (Public Sector Operators) Bill - Second reading - Andy Sawford Legislation: Employment Rights Bill - Second reading - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Local Government (Planning Permission and Referendums) Bill - Second reading - Martin Vickers Legislation: Fixed-Term Parliaments (Repeal) Bill - Second reading - Sir Alan Duncan Legislation: Protective Headgear for Cyclists Aged Fourteen Years and Under (Research) Bill - Second reading - Annette Brooke Legislation: Under-occupancy Penalty (Exemptions) Bill - Second reading - Yvonne Fovargue Legislation: Road Fuel Pricing (Equalisation) Bill - Second reading - Mark Garnier Legislation: Political Party Policy Costings (Office for Budget Responsibility) Bill - Second reading - Alison McGovern Legislation: Onshore Wind Turbine Subsidies (Abolition) Bill - Second reading - Nigel Adams Legislation: Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Andrew Bingham Legislation: Women's Refuges (Provision and Eligibility) Bill - Second reading - Norman Baker Legislation: Private Rented Sector (Decent Homes Standard) Bill - Second reading - Laura Sandys Legislation: Right to Buy and Right to Acquire Schemes (Research) Bill - Second reading - Tim Farron Legislation: Public Sector Efficiency (Employee Participation) Bill - Second reading - John Pugh Legislation: Job Creation Powers (Scotland) Bill - Second reading - Ian Murray Legislation: Fracking (Measurement and Regulation of Impacts) (Air, Water and Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Bill - Second reading - Geraint Davies Legislation: Nature Bill - Second reading - Sir John Randall Legislation: Medical Innovation Bill [HL] - Second reading - Michael Ellis Legislation: Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Jobs Guarantee Scheme (Research) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Terms and Conditions (Migrant Workers) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (Betting Shops) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: High Cost Credit Services (Retail Premises) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (Repeal) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Firearm and Shotgun Licensing (Domestic Violence) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill - Second reading - Thomas Docherty Legislation: Working Time Directive (Limitation) Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Bat Habitats Regulation Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Convicted Prisoners Voting Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill - Second reading - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Road Traffic Regulation (Temporary Closure for Filming) Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Iain Stewart Legislation: Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill - Second reading (Day 2) - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: House of Lords (Maximum Membership) Bill - Second reading - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill - Second reading - Mr Christopher Chope Legislation: Wild Animals in Circuses Bill - Second reading - Jim Fitzpatrick MP Adjournment: Housing association transfer ballots - Jim Fitzpatrick |