There's only one story in town today. The Telegraph, working with Channel Four, has revealed that Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw discussed using their position as politicians on behalf of a (fictitious) Chinese company, in exchange for money. It is surprising that two elder statesman of British politics have behaved like this. They should know better, you'd think. Indeed, in 2010, commenting on the exposure of Labour colleagues for saying very similar things, Mr Straw commented: "There's anger… and incredulity about their stupidity…getting suckered by a sting like this." You said it, Jack. As chairman of parliament's Intelligence and Security committee, Sir Malcolm has access to some of Britain's sensitive secrets, so it's remarkable that he was so frank with what he believed was a Chinese company. How will this play with the public? "Just more snouts in the trough" will be the public's reaction. It doesn't look particularly good just before an election. The extent to which this will aid the anti-Westminster politics of the Greens and UKIP is unclear. But it certainly can't do such anti-establishment parties any harm. Straw is not standing for parliament again. His statement is that he offered his influence for cash after his time as an MP is up – so it remains to be seen whether he has broken parliamentary rules. He and Sir Malcolm Rifkind have both referred themselves to Parliament's commissioner for standards. A full investigation may take months. Speaking to the undercover reporter, Straw speculated that he may later be in the House of Lords. "The rules there are different," Straw said. "Plenty of people have commercial interests there… I'll be able to help you more." A new case for Lords reform? Or just for denying him the peerage he clearly expects? As for Sir Malcolm, he is standing again, but his redrawn seat is not as safe as it once was. And his interview on the Today Programme just now, in which he suggested we cannot expect MPs to "simply accept a salary of £60,000" may well return to haunt him wherever he ends up. Our leader today concludes the whole affair thus: "David Cameron once said that lobbying was the next great Westminster scandal waiting to happen. But it already has and nothing much has been done to arrest it. In truth, however, the much-touted remedy of a register of lobbyists would probably make little difference, not least when the approach is directly from an interested company rather than through an intermediary. "Surely what is far more important is for MPs to behave honourably and with total transparency so we can all judge the propriety of their actions for ourselves."
£1,600-AN-HOUR SECOND JOBSOur other big scoop today is that MPs have declared earnings of more than £7.4 million from outside work and second jobs in the past year, with some making more than £1,600 per hour. The most notable name in our investigation is former PM, Gordon Brown, who declared an additional income of close to £1million. He was followed by Geoffrey Cox, the Conservative MP, who declared earnings of £820,000 – 12 times the annual MP wage. BLUE-RINSE BRIGADEPensioners will keep their benefits of a free TV licence and winter fuel allowance so that they can have "dignity and security in retirement", David Cameron will pledge in the Tory manifesto. In the Times, Sam Coates and Laura Pitel write that Cameron's move is the latest attempt to halt UKIP and win over the age category with the highest turnout at elections. "This will mean greater cuts from the welfare budget, in a move likely to penalise the working-age poor further." While Macer Hall in the Daily Express write, "He [Cameron] will insist that universal benefits are a just reward to 'those who have worked hard, saved, paid their taxes and done the right thing'." |
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TOO MANY TWEETS…@PickardJE: Three certainties: Death, taxes, MPs caught in lobbying stings. COMMENTFrom the TelegraphThe Telegraph – MPs are still not being transparent on interests Dan Hodges - John Prescott: The bulldog who saved Labour From elsewhereMelanie Phillips - A feeble West emboldens the forces of chaos Anne McElvoy - The clash of two Eds raises the ghost of Labour past AGENDAMP's are returning to Westminster and assembly members are returning to Cardiff Bay after recess LONDON: The Home Secretary and Justice Secretary are to meet with the EU justice commissioner, Viera Jourova LONDON 1200: Mayoral question time TODAY IN PARLIAMENTCOMMONS: Main Chamber 1430Oral Questions on Defence David Cameron statement on European Council Serious Crime Bill [HL] - Report stage Serious Crime Bill [HL] - Third reading Oesophageal cancer - Mike Weatherley Westminster Hall1630 – 1930 Debate on an e-petition relating to ending non-stun slaughter to promote animal welfare - Mr Philip Hollobone General Committee 1630First Delegated Legislation Committee: Draft Civil Proceedings and Family Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2015, Committee Room 9, Palace of Westminster Second Delegated Legislation Committee: Draft Companies Act 2006 (Amendment of Part 17) Regulations 2015 and the Draft Companies Act 2006 (Amendment of Part 18) Regulations 2015, Committee Room 11, Palace of Westminster Third Delegated Legislation Committee: Draft Anti-social Behaviour (Authorised Persons) Order 2015, Committee Room 12, Palace of Westminster Select Committee1400 High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill, Room 5, Palace of Westminster 1515 Public Accounts: Comparing inspectorates, Room 15, Palace of Westminster 1605 Transport: Smaller airports, Room 16, Palace of Westminster 1615 Communities and Local Government: Jay Report into Child Sexual Abuse in Rotherham, The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House 1715 Political and Constitutional Reform: Government formation post-election, Room 8, Palace of Westminster 1900 High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill, Room 5, Palace of Westminster LORDS: 1430Oral Questions Business rates reform, steps taken to support UK high streets Effect of VAT on finances of sixth form colleges and non-maintained special schools Crown Prosecution Service performance following recent budget cuts Discussions with European Union member states regarding the handling of conflict in Ukraine Legislation Modern Slavery Bill - Report stage - Lord Bates Short Debate Hotels and facilities for disabled people |