Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Roaring Silence

Notice the roaring silence from the left over the withdrawal of child benefit for higher rate tax payers. And how many tears does David Davis think we should shed for people earning over £44,000 losing their child benefit? Then we have Laura Kuenssberg of the BBC suggesting it's the Conservatives equivalent of the 10p tax disaster.

Oh no it isn't. Why exactly is taking an average of £1770 (assuming 2.2 children) from people earning over £44,000 (that's 4%) the same as doubling - yes doubling - the tax take (that would be 100%) from the poorest people in our society earning less than £15,000 per year?

I do not know if the amount raised by this measure is essential to pay down the deficit left by Labour. But I do know that people earning over £44,000 are exactly the ones that need to be paying it. Not the poor.